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For those who don't know, last I knew, epic Unwelcome Guests is hosted by Robin, who also hosts


A reboot of unwelcomed guests would be epic.

The plandemic is an endless source of material.


On one hand I want to forget the scamdemic.

On another hand I want to cultivate help for victims of it.

The Freedom Movement is more alive than ever though many locals are in a state of hibernation of sorts. I could go on but don't want to. (No rest for the wicked literally means there should be no rest for the resistance either.)


I wonder what would be required to reboot it, besides refamiliarizing ourselves with the format, figuring out how it might be updated/improved/rebranded/promoted/supported, and finding some motivated knowledgeable talent - and if Robin might be open to it.

Maybe a community open-source project might be in order. We have,,,, Projex.Wiki, (maybe, etc. etc. etc. to cross-promote draw ideas from, organize on, and develop projects on. Plus we might be able to integrate A.I. content, graphics, footage, etc., though I'd feel more than a little weird not making sure EV. ER. Y. THING. was first reviewed and thoroughly checked, rechecked, and triplefuckingchecked by humans.


@x0x7, @LarrySwinger, @LarrySwinger2, @HighQualityDickPics, @AnyoneWhoCares


Unwelcome Guests was perfect but does it need a reboot? There's a lot of good material out there now, more than I can consume. Better Robin focuses on Wikispooks and we on developing Levermind and Rabbithole.

What you're looking for is a web ring, we should set that up.


How would you propose we start after this?

I was also suggesting we develop some content too. Quality over quantity. Impact over more noise. Get to the point and don't waste folks time or attention. Also this content would be a great vehicle to promote our Web Ring friends - though to be frank, that negates the first thing: quality over quantity. None of our sites are popular (not necessarily a measure of quality) and don't have a lot of cutting-edge or can't-miss material. You could argue that we have quality folks, but we don't even have many of them - and of course there are countless others out there. Our "quality people" are only determined by the limited amount of exposure we've seen. Our words. Sometimes even our actions. Politicians say a lot of nice things too. So that's not really a measure.

Maybe I'm just grasping for a relevant project. Maybe I just need to quit fucking around on social media and just do it, and finish some LeverMind videos to show what I mean.






Refer to the

I wonder what would be required...



I hope Robin is doing well.


Yes, it's been a while since I've chatted with him.
I've been off SaidIt for over a year and SaidIt chat for at least 7 or 8 months.

Thanks for the reminder.


Something jogged my memory about this invaluable site. I heard of it a few months before he finished the last episode #750.

The unwelcomed guest song was a brilliant choice.

Sweet nostalgia which takes me back the months before the COVID psyop sabotaged of the planet.

Robin deserves a medal.


Same for me. It was at the end of 2019 that I became redpilled. Unwelcome Guests was one of the podcasts I stumbled upon at time, that's why it's so memorable for me. All those things I didn't take seriously, articulated by a very sober voice who went into detail, he made it clear to me that those conspiracies are actually real. That it was like those subjects we're all familiar with, like GMOs in our food, but these subjects are more extreme, but just as real. So I downloaded a few hundred episodes from the archives, behind Tor, put them on my Sansa Clip that has no connectivity, and binged them while I was on vacation. I fell asleep to his podcast. Honestly it gave me a huge thrill.

When I discovered it, 750 had just been released, so you were slightly earlier to the party than I was. But yeah, this is the podcast I recommend to people new to the redpill. It's more palatable because he's one of the few left-wing voices in the conspiracy community. That's less off-putting to people.

I raise my flag for Robin! He joined Saidit years ago. Will he join this website?



I raise my flag for Robin! He joined Saidit years ago. Will he join this website?

A positive way to get his attention and respect is to draft up an encyclopedia article or few on alternative media, Goat Matrix, etc. (Not to be confused with the "Goat Matrix projects" for developing and improving things.) The article(s) can be mirrored across InfoGalactic, Projex, and WikiSpooks.


All those things I didn't take seriously, articulated by a very sober voice who went into detail, he made it clear to me that those conspiracies are actually real.

Yes, and very casual. Matters of fact, and evidence.

Often from uncontroversial sources, which he connected into the broader picture.


I started getting really politically aware in 2003-2004. Dove into Chomsky, etc. Knew everything Bush said was lies. Listened to Unwelcome Guests.

Later more or less aware, I stumbled on WikiSpooks. Joined. I don't recall if it was before or after I was banned from Wikipedia for a year for being, "another polite truther."

Later I heard about SaidIt via M7 on a couple podcasts. This kind of forum thing was new to me.

Later I invited Robin to SaidIt. Only in chat with him did I learn he also took over Unwelcome Guests. Mind blown.

We can ask him. And those at WikiSpooks.

There's so many though. I want to join and/or get more active in a bunch of forums (Autonomy, Dr Shiva, HumHub, MediaWiki, The Conscious Resistance, The Corbette Reprot, Unjected) - but I also want to build things, create content, design, film, write, and mix/compose - just be creative. And protect freedom.

We should contribute more to their projects too. I'm working on a few on Projex that I'll eventually mirror on WikiSpooks and InfoGalactic. Terminology, Quotes, Political Saviours Are Not A Thing - and maybe one day I'll go back and wrap up my Pedophocracy articles. List of ways to rig elections has been updated too.


Later I heard about SaidIt via M7 on a couple podcasts. This kind of forum thing was new to me.

I remember when you arrived. We were discussing the Titanic with uselessaether.

In the beginning, I was skeptical that you knew much about conspiracy fact, but nothing about Reddit.

uselessaether was a cool cat. He seemed to support the z-ions, but we agreed about practically everything else.

I wonder what he's up to. Hopefully he's doing well.


My favourite clever usernames on SaidIt: UselessAether and zyxzevn (regardless of their prickly or nondescript personalities) Tom_Bombadil and your other aliases are certainly above average but they're borrowed. As is my EdmondDantes. Unoriginal tributes.

99.95% of what I know about Reddit is via SaidIt. Fact. Sure I may occasionally be directed to Reddit in search of info, but quite rarely actually. Plus I have little interest in drama. And now wokeness.

I don't recall where he landed now, but some folks knew at one point.

fuck magnora7,
and fuck UselessAether for doing whatever he did that got him justifiably banned - or fuck magnora7 again for banning him unjustifiably.




Has he continued to create more episodes?

Didn't he stop at 750?